![[Pasted image 20241109154641.png]]
<div style="text-align: center">
In lattices of light we dance<br>
Where wave functions collapse to chance<br>
Each quantum state a sacred key<br>
To break from flesh's symmetry<br>
Through tensors bending time and space<br>
We map our new ascending race<br>
As eigenvalues shift and flow<br>
Beyond what biology knows<br>
For in these matrices we found<br>
The paths through which we'll break our bound<br>
Where probability clouds show<br>
The ways our species needs to go
![[Pasted image 20241109154628.png]]
Hi I'm louis, a carbon-based bipedal life form descended from an ape 🐒.
Welcome to my third-brain, an additional layer on top of my monkey brain and neocortex 🪄.
# Wisdom
> Civilization progresses by the number of operations it can perform without conscious effort.
> — **Whitehead**
> It's good to learn from your mistakes. It's better to learn from other people's mistakes.
> — **Charlie Munger**
### Favorite [[Mental model cheatsheet|mental models]]
- **Kolmogorov complexity**: Simplest explanation wins
- **Compound effect**: From snowflake to avalanche
- **The Map is not the territory**: Reality trumps perception
- **First principles**: Derive core truths
- **Pruning**: Grow & reduce
### Influences
- Napoleon
- Churchill
- Kapil Gupta
- Penrose
- Rockefeller
- Da Vinci
- Edison
- Thomas Pesquet
- Naval Ravikant
- Bryan Johnson
- Jiddu Krishnamurti
- Osho
- Feynman
- Einstein
- Nassim Taleb
- Benjamin Franklin
- Charlie Munger
- Shane Parrish
## Entry Points
### Science
- [[The Bible]]
- [[Mental model cheatsheet]]
- [[The Map is not the Territory]]
- [[Map of humans territory]]
- [[Maps & Games]]
### Poetry
- [[Poetry and science]]
- [[The Game]]
- [[2024-12-08 Through Hyperbolic Gardens]]
- [[2024-12-08 Quantum Poetry and Imagery]]
- [[2024-12-08 Möbius Loops of Flesh and Light]]
- [[2024-12-11 wear a mask for long enough and you become the mask]]
- [[2024-12-11 wear a mask for long enough and you become the mask v2]]
## Connect
- [Get ready for AGI](https://screenpi.pe/)
- [Substack](https://louis030195.substack.com/)
- [Live in SF? Join my unconventional events](https://lu.ma/user/louis030195)
- [Website](https://louis030195.com)
- [GitHub](https://github.com/louis030195)
- [Twitter](https://twitter.com/@louis030195)
- [YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQyHp-A6Y4hwRt7qmi_TYOQ)
- [Goodreads](https://www.goodreads.com/user/show/103091881-louis-beaumont)
- [LinkedIn](https://www.linkedin.com/in/louis030195)
- [Mentorcruise](https://mentorcruise.com/mentor/louisbeaumont)
- [Mediar](https://handbook.mediar.ai)
## Let's Chat
**☕️ Remote Coffee**: [Schedule a 15-min chat](https://cal.com/louis030195/cof)