#cheatsheet #neuroscience #brain Created at 220323 # [Anonymous feedback](https://www.admonymous.co/louis030195) # [[Epistemic status]] #shower-thought Last modified date: 220323 Commit: 0 # Related - [[Computing/Embeddings in the human mind]] # TODO > [!TODO] TODO # Neuroscience specialists | Medical Specialists Associated with the Nervous System | Description | |--------------------------------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Neurologist | An M.D. trained to diagnose and treat diseases of the nervous system | | Psychiatrist | An M.D. trained to diagnose and treat disorders of mood and behavior | | Neurosurgeon | An M.D. trained to perform surgery on the brain and spinal cord | | Neuropathologist | An M.D. or Ph.D. trained to recognize the changes in nervous tissue that result from disease | | Type | Description | | ------------- | ------------- | | Developmental neurobiologist | Analyzes the development and maturation of the brain | | Molecular neurobiologist | Uses the genetic material of neurons to understand the structure and function of brain molecules | | Neuroanatomist | Studies the structure of the nervous system | | Neurochemist | Studies the chemistry of the nervous system | | Neuroethologist | Studies the neural basis of species-specific animal behaviors in natural settings | | Neuropharmacologist | Examines the effects of drugs on the nervous system | | Neurophysiologist | Measures the electrical activity of the nervous system | | Physiological psychologist (biological psychologist, psychobiologist) | Studies the biological basis of behavior | | Psychophysicist | Quantitatively measures perceptual abilities |