#epistemology # [[Epistemic status]] #shower-thought # Epistemic hygiene >The most useful piece of learning for the uses of life is to unlearn what is untrue. >~ [[Jed McKenna]] >When we are young we believe that we know everything, and so we believe that if we see no explanation for something, then no explanation exists. When we are older we realise that the whole universe works by a rhythm and a reason, even if we ourselves do not know it. It is only our own ignorance which appears to us as insanity. >~ [[Eliezer Yudkowsky]] Systems, [[Mental model|mental model]]s, to check your [[Rationality|rationality]], [[Never fool yourself|avoid fooling yourself]] and others, to be respectful of others, avoid transmitting incorrect [[Information|information]]. >It is far better to say "magic” than "complexity” or "emergence"; the latter words create an illusion of understanding. It is wiser to say "magic" and leave yourself a placeholder, a reminder of work you will have to do later. ~ [[Eliezer Yudkowsky]] ## What are the base of your beliefs? Why do you believe what you believe? Why do you think the earth is not flat? Do you have [[Empiricism|empirical]] [[Information|information]] on that, or [[Do not rely on authority|do you rely on authority?]] [[Relying on authority is time-saving]], if you trust humanity’s [[Common knowledge]] about the earth not being flat, just go for it? ## Dealing with people holding weak Epistemic hygiene When dealing with people with weak Epistemic hygiene, you need either to run away or to [[Faking belief|fake belief]]. # External links - https://www.lesswrong.com/tag/epistemic-hygiene