#mind #rationality #metaphysical
# [[Epistemic status]]
# Related
- [[Egoism]]
- [[Mind]]
- [[Bias]]
- [[Epistemic humility]]
- [[en.wikipedia.org - Self-Concept - Wikipedia]]
# Ego

> It is not that attaining wisdom is so difficult. It is just that man is simply unwilling to separate himself from his ego.
> ~ [[Kapil Gupta - Direct Truth - Uncompromising - Non-Prescriptive Truths to the Enduring Questions of Life|Kapil Gupta]]
%%The insatiable pain created by the Ego of man, By Picasso%%
> S: Master, man's life is filled with endless pain. I can speak firsthand.
> M: I assume you mean emotional pain.
> S: Yes, Master.
> M: The common man's life contains little else, my student.
> S: Why is this so?
> M: Because he lives his life through ego.
> ~ [[Kapil Gupta - Direct Truth - Uncompromising - Non-Prescriptive Truths to the Enduring Questions of Life|Kapil Gupta]]
> Firstly, he is not convinced that this will be the natural result. Secondly, the pain that he will endure in separating himself from his ego may be more unbearable to him than an entire life of his pain.
> ~ [[Kapil Gupta - Direct Truth - Uncompromising - Non-Prescriptive Truths to the Enduring Questions of Life|Kapil Gupta]]

>A mind that is innocent means a mind that is incapable of being hurt. Because it is incapable of being hurt, it will not hurt another.
>~ [[Krishnamurti|Jiddu Krishnamurti]]

>You see, my student, when a man lives As his personality, he is limited. And something within him recognizes that his personality is limited. And thus he must say and do things in order to make up for the deficiencies that he feels himself to possess.
>~ [[Kapil Gupta - A Master's Secret Whispers For those who abhor the noise and seek The Truth about life and living|Kapil Gupta]]
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/hQsnHkfs3sA" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>
>The lesson of the ego. - The point to be made about ego is that man should use his ego and not be used by ego or blinded by it.
>~ [[Bruce Lee]]
The least intelligent people have the biggest **egos**.
The reverse isn't obviously true, the most intelligent people sometimes have big **egos**.
The **ego** is a brain cancer.
>True criticism lies in trying to understand the full significance of values without the hindrance of defensive reactions.
>~ [[Krishnamurti]]
The ego prevent your from updating your beliefs.
>In reality, however, every **ego**, so far from being a unity is in the highest degree a manifold world, a constellated heaven, a chaos of forms, of states and stages, of inheritances and potentialities. ~ [[Hermann Hesse]]
>Why are you afraid? What can the world do to you? People can laugh at you; it will do them good—laughter is always a medicine, healthful. ~ [[Osho]]
#todo more [[Sigmund Freud]]
## my, i, etc.
When someone attacks our ego, we are irrational, we have less consideration for the arguments.
We must weights the arguments as if the attack was on another person
We wear a [[Thousand Masks]] to switch in every situation, isn't [[Philosophy/Rationality/Intelligence|intelligence]] about solving problems in [[Philosophy/Rationality/Models/Exploration vs exploitation|known and new environments]]?
## [[Subjective reality]] is not [[Objective reality]], [[The Map is not the Territory]]
>We must distinguish between, on the one hand, our **subjective experiences or our feelings of conviction, which can never justify any statement** (though they can be made the subject of psychological investigation) and, on the other hand, the objective logical relations subsisting among the various systems of scientific statements, and within each of them.
>~ [[Karl Popper]]
## TODO: different ego vs identity - relating to consciousness etc