#psychology #mind #metaphysical #rationality # [[Epistemic status]] #shower-thought # Related - [[Jeff Hawkins - A Thousand Brains_ A New Theory of Intelligence]] - [[Society of Minds]] - [[The Thousand Pieces Soul]] - [[Kevin Simler - Personhood A Game for Two or More Players Melting Asphalt]] - [[Plato's allegory]] - [[Wear a mask for long enough and you become the mask]] # Thousand Masks ![[IMG_1773.jpeg]] The fear of having to leave behind the comfort of his identity. The fear of loss. Your mask is your biggest bottleneck. Let it go. ![[DALL·E 2022-06-19 11.11.39 - An Orwellian distopia, a humanity with a double thought, on one side the artificial intelligence optimizing its cerebral calculation Bolztmann, on the.png]] >[[Doublethink]] means the power of holding two contradictory beliefs in one's mind simultaneously, and accepting both of them. ~ [[George Orwell]] ![[DALL·E 2022-06-19 11.14.27 - An Orwellian distopia, a humanity with a double thought, on one side the artificial intelligence optimizing its cerebral calculation Bolztmann, on the.png]] >We are each a river with a particular abiding character, but we show radically different aspects of our self according to the territory through which we travel >~ [[David Whyte]] ![[DALL·E 2022-06-19 11.15.56 - The thousand masks worn by men, unable to stick to one identity, by Picasso.png]] >Inwardly, we ought to be different in all respects, but our exterior should conform to society. > ~ [[Seneca]] ![[DALL·E 2022-06-24 19.29.58 - The thousand masks that twists the human mind, by Escher..png]] >It shows much more courage to remain dry and sober when the mob is drunk and vomiting; but it shows greater self-control to refuse to withdraw oneself and to do what the crowd does, but in a different way, - thus neither making oneself conspicuous nor becoming one of the crowd. For one may keep holiday without extravagance. > ~ [[Seneca]] ![[DALL·E 2022-06-24 19.30.42 - The thousand masks that twists the human mind, by Picasso..png]] >He knows that he cannot reveal himself to anybody: he thinks it bad taste to become familiar; and as a rule he is not familiar when people think he is. When he is not talking to his soul, he wears a mask. He would rather lie than tell the truth, because lying requires more spirit and will. > ~ [[Nietzsche]] ## Which mask is the best to wear? >What is the “best” illusion under which to live? Or, what is the most legitimate foolishness? >~ [[Ernest Becker]] We live in thousand simulations created by our [[Brain|brain]], in this situation, which simulation do you want to experience the most often? >The question of human life is: on what level of illusion does one live? >~ [[Ernest Becker]] # External links https://meltingasphalt.com/personhood-a-game-for-two-or-more-players/