#181 Dr. Gio Valiante (Part 2) — Failure and Success - The Knowledge Project with Shane Parrish ![rw-book-cover|200x400](https://wsrv.nl/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fstatic.libsyn.com%2Fp%2Fassets%2F5%2F9%2F0%2F7%2F590730c5f73a2ccebafc7308ab683e82%2Fknowledge-project-small.png&w=100&h=100) ## Metadata - Author: **The Knowledge Project with Shane Parrish** - Full Title: #181 Dr. Gio Valiante (Part 2) — Failure and Success - Category: #podcasts - URL: https://share.snipd.com/episode/4b0e9208-7d03-4633-9b1d-90ad0608e028 ## Highlights - Intrinsic Motivation vs Praise: The Importance of Order Key takeaways: • At the end of the day, both intrinsic motivation and external recognition matter. • The order of priority should be love of craft first, then enjoyment of the rewards. • Flipping the order can lead to problems. Transcript: Speaker 1 So at the end of the day, when I'm always telling people, both matter. Like you can be intrinsically motivated and like the praise and the recognition. But the order has to be love of craft and then like it has to be you have to love what you're doing and then enjoy the things that come with it because when the order flips invariably it's Speaker 3 It's going to be a problem. ([Time 0:00:00](https://share.snipd.com/snip/7cb6b879-6db8-4432-9324-0a49fbf7cfe2)) - Achieving Compliance for Business Growth with Vanta Key takeaways: • Achieving compliance can unlock major growth for your company and build a foundation of trust. • Vanta automates up to 90% of compliance work, saving you time and costs. • Vanta enables scaling with your business, expanding into new markets and bigger deals. • Fear can prevent us from trying new things and building necessary skills. • Success and failure are intertwined, and failure is essential for long-term success. • Learning how to fail in ways that promote skill development and a positive belief system is crucial. • Teaching children how to fall reduces the risk of injury in activities like snow skiing. Transcript: Speaker 2 Are you building a business? Well, if you haven't already been asked by potential customers or investors about SOC 2, ISO 27001 or HIPAA compliance, you likely will be soon. Achieving compliance can unlock major growth for your company and build a foundation of trust, but it can also be time-consuming and tedious. Vanta can help. Vanta automates up to 90% of compliance work, getting you audit ready in weeks and saving you significant costs. And Vanta scales with your business, helping you enter new markets and lend bigger deals and earn customer loyalty. Listeners get $1,000 off Vanta when they go to vanta.com slash knowledge. That's v-a-n-t-a dot com slash knowledge. The direction I want to go after that is sort of in failure. I mean, often the reason we don't try things is because we don't want to fail. So we don't build these muscles because we're not failing. What happens when fear sort of like takes hold of us? Like what does the world look like? How is it different? And how does it shape what we're about to do? And how do we get out of that? Speaker 1 Great question. Yeah, because one of the things that we know is people think of success and failure as opposite things, like the more I succeed, the less I fail. But that's really sort of a modern conception of success and failure. The fact of the matter is failure is woven into the fabric of success. It's not how do you avoid failure. That's the wrong question. The right question is how do I fail or how should I fail in ways that lead to the type of skill development and belief system that allow me to succeed long term? So it's how do we fail? Like in snow skiing, you want to teach kids how to fall so they don't get injured. ([Time 0:04:25](https://share.snipd.com/snip/bf9b81db-9478-4f3e-8577-79a68992818c)) - The Shift from Mastery to Ego Orientation in Education Key takeaways: • People with a mastery orientation are motivated by curiosity and intrinsic love for problem-solving. • The blending of vocation and avocation leads to inherent interest in the work. • Kids love to learn because it is fun, similar to the enjoyment of playing golf. • Disliking school often begins around third grade when grades are introduced. • An ego orientation focuses on beating others and proving oneself to others for image management. Transcript: Speaker 1 And here's why. So a mastery orientation, here's the answer, people with a mastery orientation typically give. Why do I do what I do? Well, I'm curious about it. I do it because I love the intrinsically motivated. I love to solve the problems. I love the work of the practice. I find it inherently interesting. I think about it all the time. This is what I was talking about earlier, earlier about the blending of vocation and avocation. You go back to the why. So what you'll often see in the game of golf, even happens with students in school. Why do kids love to learn? Because learning is fun. Why do kids on the golf course want to play until the sun has set and they're out there all night? Because it's an amazing sport. It's super fun. It's just a fascinating, get lost in the game. So at what point in educational development do kids start to dislike school? Happens around third grade. What happens in third grade? We start giving kids grades. So what happens is there's a shift from a mastery orientation to what's called an ego orientation. The ego orientation, when you ask people with an ego orientation, hey, why do you do what you do? What you'll often see is, well, I like to beat other people or I want to prove something I need to prove myself to other people or it's some version of image management. ([Time 0:07:29](https://share.snipd.com/snip/7997ccfd-f34f-4828-9f93-743fcdd8bfff)) - The Role of Curiosity and Mastery in Business and Success Key takeaways: • Certain people go into business for different reasons, such as making money or finding it fascinating. • Getting lost in problem solving and deeper cognitive processing can lead to more creative solutions. • Mastery-oriented individuals react to failure with curiosity. • Failure is seen as a necessary part of the learning process. • Tiger Woods had a mastery-oriented mindset in his career. Transcript: Speaker 1 Business is a great example. Certain people go into business because they want to make a lot of money. It's just there. They don't want to make a lot of money. So that's their driving force. Certain people go into business and they find that business is fascinating. Certain components of business, motivation, business management, organizing people, innovation, product innovation, research and development. What happens is when you get lost in the problem solving of it all, like the Steve Jobs, and what it leads to is deeper cognitive processing, more creative problem solving. But here's the key thing. The key thing. When mastery oriented individuals fail, the reaction is curiosity. It's what Thomas Edison said. When asked, hey, what was it like to fail a thousand times? He said, he was reported as saying, the light bulb was not an invention with a thousand failures. It was an invention that simply required a thousand steps. Tiger Woods, when you watch the way he handled his career and his approach to it, it was a purely mastery oriented mindset. ([Time 0:09:06](https://share.snipd.com/snip/7787662d-8b1b-4d4f-ae67-0891e1f1499e)) - The Power of Humor Key takeaways: • The body's reaction to toxic emotions can affect joy and abundance. • Replacing negative reactions can lead to psychological freedom and improved performance. • Humor is an important indicator of psychological health and well-being. • People should strive to maintain a sense of humor despite life's challenges. Transcript: Speaker 1 One of the things that happens is your body doesn't react with the toxic emotions or toxic kind of the epinephrine, norepinephrine cortisol. And, and it often leads to more joy and more abundance. I'll give a quick example. I had a golfer on the PGA tour who was 0 for 210. He had gone for like seven or eight years and never won on the PGA tour. And so one of the things we started to do is replace his reactions. And so, and I remember I'll never forget he said to me, he said, so what you're telling me is you want me to suck and enjoy it. I'll never forget the moment. The, the, the first week, you know, he started accepting bad shots instead of beating himself up. And then you started to see more psychological freedom in his actual his cough swing. And then he came out and he won the second week. So seven years, no wins. 0 for 215. And he won 15 days later. And that's a function of the reaction. And I'll never forget a moment. He was playing badly and he was out on the golf course. I saw him in his caddy laughing. Because this, and one of the things we know in psychology is sense of humor is one of the greatest tells of, of, of psychological health and well-being. One of the keys to psychological health is to be able to laugh at things that are funny. And that's one of the, I think the problems of the modern times are people have lost their sense of humor. And, you know, Freud wrote about wit being critically important because life is so painful and so difficult, you have to find a way to find things funny if you're going to survive in this World. ([Time 0:22:59](https://share.snipd.com/snip/ab1436fd-62f4-4cdd-b1c2-a1661a61a315))