#193 — Dr. Jim Loehr — Change the Stories You Tell Yourself - The Knowledge Project with Shane Parrish ![rw-book-cover|200x400](https://wsrv.nl/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fstatic.libsyn.com%2Fp%2Fassets%2F5%2F9%2F0%2F7%2F590730c5f73a2ccebafc7308ab683e82%2Fknowledge-project-small.png&w=100&h=100) ## Metadata - Author: **The Knowledge Project with Shane Parrish** - Full Title: #193 — Dr. Jim Loehr — Change the Stories You Tell Yourself - Category: #podcasts - URL: https://share.snipd.com/episode/3b534375-abb8-4a04-b979-63dc4bfd5ac2 ## Highlights - Curiosity is a Forever Gift Summary: Encouraging curiosity in others to explore their potential and find joy in mastering new things is a lasting gift that keeps on giving, whether as a teacher or a parent. Transcript: Speaker 1 I'm very curious and I will be till my last breath. That's the gift. Teaching people to be excited about what you could become and what you might really find great joy in mastering. If you can do that as a teacher, as a parent, that is a forever gift that will never stop giving. Speaker 3 Welcome to The ([Time 0:00:00](https://share.snipd.com/snip/97e4a44d-722c-4615-b6f6-f7a42336f24a)) - Empowering Narratives Summary: The stories we tell ourselves about work, family, health, happiness, and friendship can either empower us or limit us. The discrepancy between the stories we tell and the reality can shape our self-perception. It is crucial to examine the narratives we have about ourselves, as they have the power to influence how we view our roles, such as being a father. Transcript: Speaker 2 It's time to listen and learn. The Knowledge Project is sponsored by Protech. Protech believes that when you are your best self, you are of the most service to others. Try hydration immediately upon waking before your first cup of coffee and before, during, or after your workout. Try rest one hour before bed and get the best sleep of your life. Improve your hydration and your sleep and become the best version of yourself. Get 30% off your order at protec.com slash knowledge. That's p-r-o-t-e-k-t dot com slash knowledge. Or use code knowledge at the checkout for 30% off. Let's start with how we tell stories about ourselves to ourselves. We tell stories around work, family, health, happiness, and friendship. And the story that we tell ourselves in reality are often different. Sometimes our stories empower us and sometimes they limit us. And I'm wondering if maybe we could explore a little bit about the story you used to tell yourself as a father. ([Time 0:02:28](https://share.snipd.com/snip/510023a8-b150-41f7-89b4-ff9c9538c177)) - Reprogramming with Personal Coaching Summary: Repeating a personal story multiple times from memory and listening to it through voice memo can help in reprogramming neural pathways in the brain to bring about a change in the story over time. Utilizing one's private voice and listening to self-coaching can facilitate the transformation of the story and improvement in skills, as seen in the success of James Pinnabaker's protocols for helping people overcome trauma through writing. Transcript: Speaker 1 There's a brilliant researcher by the name of James Pinnabaker. He's at the University of Texas. And I mean, it's incredible the kind of success on the protocols he's had in helping people overcome trauma with their hand, with writing, with writing skills. But we found that creating the story that works for you with your hand and rewriting it several times from memory and then reading it and even using the voice memo on your phone where you Actually tell yourself over the phone, your voice memo capability, and then you play it back and you listen to yourself coaching you. It's not having someone from the outside coaching you with their public voice. You are taking your private voice and making it public and now listening to it and trying to get a new way of having these neural pathways in your brain transfer information. And eventually, over time, the story begins to change. So it might be, I hate putting. I've never been a good putter in sport. ([Time 0:18:35](https://share.snipd.com/snip/e9720da5-c56a-401e-9592-f6340a11d6fd)) ## New highlights added May 9, 2024 at 12:42 PM - Episode AI notes 1. Encouraging curiosity in others is a lasting gift that keeps on giving. 2. The stories we tell ourselves can either empower us or limit us. 3. It is crucial to examine the narratives we have about ourselves and how they influence our self-perception. 4. Repeating a personal story multiple times and listening through voice memo can help in reprogramming neural pathways in the brain. ([Time 0:00:00](https://share.snipd.com/episode-takeaways/18c7ceb6-cdaa-4d8e-bb27-c1e101d3b69d))